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All results for tag: devise
In part one of this six part series on Devise and Ruby on Rails, we demonstrate setting up Devise for Rails 7 with a basic sign up and login flow.
5 min read
In part two of our Devise series, we look at how we can replace the default cookie session store with Redis.
3 min read
In part three of the series, we walk through how to add TailwindCSS to a Rails 7 project and spruce up our sign in page.
4 min read
In part four, we add in a separate Next.js project into the mix and demonstrate how to organize authentication for our main Rails API.
9 min read
In part five, we set up the OmniAuth configuration for Devise to demonstrate login using GitHub.
7 min read
In part six, we enforce the usage of reCAPTCHA v2 to prevent signing up or logging in without passing the reCAPTCHA verification.
6 min read
This post looks at how we outline required policies in order to fulfill requests in Ruby on Rails using the Pundit gem.
10 min read
In part nine, we take a look at how we can set up our API endpoints to return a 401 response if a user is not signed in instead of the default 302 redirect to the login page.
6 min read
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