Currently writing about: AWS, React.js, Node.js, TypeScript, friction logs.

All results for tag: API

Deploying Serverless Golang APIs With The AWS CDK

This tutorial covers setting up a project, writing a Go Lambda server using Gin, and deploying it with AWS CDK, providing detailed code examples and instructions.

9 min read

Generating Types From JSON Schema With QuickType

Generate strongly-typed models and serializers from JSON, JSON Schema

7 min read

Align TypeScript Standards With JSON Schema

Using TypeScript to standardise types across the board using JSON Schema

4 min read

Prevent Breaking API Changes With OpenAPI And openapi-diff

Prevent Breaking API Changes With OpenAPI And openapi-diff

4 min read

Validate Your APIs With OpenAPI Schema Validator

Validate Your APIs With OpenAPI Schema Validator, YML and JSON

4 min read

Mastering API Testing with Supertest, Express.js, and Jest

A walkthrough on setting up a basic Express.js application and writing tests using Supertest for robust APIs.

5 min read

Dennis O'Keeffe

2020-present Dennis O'Keeffe.

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