Generating Types From JSON Schema With QuickType

Published: Sep 20, 2020

Last updated: Sep 20, 2020

Building on from previous posts on a spike on JSON Schema, we will continue in this one by looking at an alternative library to the json-schema-to-typescript library previously explored.

Setting Up

# From a yarn initialised project yarn add quicktype-core # setting up the files touch index.js book.json

For book.json, add the following. It will follow a similar JSON schema we've used previously with the Book but a few changes, so be sure to copy-paste it across.

{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "author": { "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "preferredName": { "type": "string" }, "age": { "type": "number" }, "gender": { "enum": ["male", "female", "other"] } }, "required": ["name", "preferredName", "age", "gender"] }, "title": { "type": "string" }, "publisher": { "type": "string" } }, "required": ["author", "title", "publisher"] }

Writing out the script

index.js will look like the following:

const { quicktype, InputData, JSONSchemaInput, JSONSchemaStore, } = require("quicktype-core"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); async function quicktypeJSONSchema(targetLanguage, typeName, jsonSchemaString) { const schemaInput = new JSONSchemaInput(new JSONSchemaStore()); // We could add multiple schemas for multiple types, // but here we're just making one type from JSON schema. await schemaInput.addSource({ name: typeName, schema: jsonSchemaString }); const inputData = new InputData(); inputData.addInput(schemaInput); return await quicktype({ inputData, lang: targetLanguage, }); } async function main() { // read the schema details const schemaFilepath = path.join(__dirname, "bookWithoutUser.json"); const bookSchema = fs.readFileSync(schemaFilepath, "utf-8"); const { lines: tsPerson } = await quicktypeJSONSchema( "typescript", "Book", bookSchema ); console.log(tsPerson.join("\n")); const { lines: pythonPerson } = await quicktypeJSONSchema( "python", "Book", bookSchema ); console.log(pythonPerson.join("\n")); } main();

In the above script, we are going to generate TypeScript and Python output for the sake of demonstration.

Running the generator

Run node index.js and you will get the following output for TypeScript and Python respectively:

// To parse this data: // // import { Convert, Book } from "./file"; // // const book = Convert.toBook(json); // // These functions will throw an error if the JSON doesn't // match the expected interface, even if the JSON is valid. export interface Book { author: Author; publisher: string; title: string; } export interface Author { age: number; gender: Gender; name: string; preferredName: string; } export enum Gender { Female = "female", Male = "male", Other = "other", } // Converts JSON strings to/from your types // and asserts the results of JSON.parse at runtime export class Convert { public static toBook(json: string): Book { return cast(JSON.parse(json), r("Book")); } public static bookToJson(value: Book): string { return JSON.stringify(uncast(value, r("Book")), null, 2); } } function invalidValue(typ: any, val: any, key: any = ""): never { if (key) { throw Error( `Invalid value for key "${key}". Expected type ${JSON.stringify( typ )} but got ${JSON.stringify(val)}` ); } throw Error( `Invalid value ${JSON.stringify(val)} for type ${JSON.stringify(typ)}` ); } function jsonToJSProps(typ: any): any { if (typ.jsonToJS === undefined) { const map: any = {}; typ.props.forEach((p: any) => (map[p.json] = { key: p.js, typ: p.typ })); typ.jsonToJS = map; } return typ.jsonToJS; } function jsToJSONProps(typ: any): any { if (typ.jsToJSON === undefined) { const map: any = {}; typ.props.forEach((p: any) => (map[p.js] = { key: p.json, typ: p.typ })); typ.jsToJSON = map; } return typ.jsToJSON; } function transform(val: any, typ: any, getProps: any, key: any = ""): any { function transformPrimitive(typ: string, val: any): any { if (typeof typ === typeof val) return val; return invalidValue(typ, val, key); } function transformUnion(typs: any[], val: any): any { // val must validate against one typ in typs const l = typs.length; for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { const typ = typs[i]; try { return transform(val, typ, getProps); } catch (_) {} } return invalidValue(typs, val); } function transformEnum(cases: string[], val: any): any { if (cases.indexOf(val) !== -1) return val; return invalidValue(cases, val); } function transformArray(typ: any, val: any): any { // val must be an array with no invalid elements if (!Array.isArray(val)) return invalidValue("array", val); return => transform(el, typ, getProps)); } function transformDate(val: any): any { if (val === null) { return null; } const d = new Date(val); if (isNaN(d.valueOf())) { return invalidValue("Date", val); } return d; } function transformObject( props: { [k: string]: any }, additional: any, val: any ): any { if (val === null || typeof val !== "object" || Array.isArray(val)) { return invalidValue("object", val); } const result: any = {}; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(props).forEach((key) => { const prop = props[key]; const v =, key) ? val[key] : undefined; result[prop.key] = transform(v, prop.typ, getProps, prop.key); }); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(val).forEach((key) => { if (!, key)) { result[key] = transform(val[key], additional, getProps, key); } }); return result; } if (typ === "any") return val; if (typ === null) { if (val === null) return val; return invalidValue(typ, val); } if (typ === false) return invalidValue(typ, val); while (typeof typ === "object" && typ.ref !== undefined) { typ = typeMap[typ.ref]; } if (Array.isArray(typ)) return transformEnum(typ, val); if (typeof typ === "object") { return typ.hasOwnProperty("unionMembers") ? transformUnion(typ.unionMembers, val) : typ.hasOwnProperty("arrayItems") ? transformArray(typ.arrayItems, val) : typ.hasOwnProperty("props") ? transformObject(getProps(typ), typ.additional, val) : invalidValue(typ, val); } // Numbers can be parsed by Date but shouldn't be. if (typ === Date && typeof val !== "number") return transformDate(val); return transformPrimitive(typ, val); } function cast<T>(val: any, typ: any): T { return transform(val, typ, jsonToJSProps); } function uncast<T>(val: T, typ: any): any { return transform(val, typ, jsToJSONProps); } function a(typ: any) { return { arrayItems: typ }; } function u(...typs: any[]) { return { unionMembers: typs }; } function o(props: any[], additional: any) { return { props, additional }; } function m(additional: any) { return { props: [], additional }; } function r(name: string) { return { ref: name }; } const typeMap: any = { Book: o( [ { json: "author", js: "author", typ: r("Author") }, { json: "publisher", js: "publisher", typ: "" }, { json: "title", js: "title", typ: "" }, ], "any" ), Author: o( [ { json: "age", js: "age", typ: 3.14 }, { json: "gender", js: "gender", typ: r("Gender") }, { json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" }, { json: "preferredName", js: "preferredName", typ: "" }, ], "any" ), Gender: ["female", "male", "other"], };

The Python output:

# To use this code, make sure you # # import json # # and then, to convert JSON from a string, do # # result = book_from_dict(json.loads(json_string)) from enum import Enum from typing import Any, TypeVar, Type, cast T = TypeVar("T") EnumT = TypeVar("EnumT", bound=Enum) def from_float(x: Any) -> float: assert isinstance(x, (float, int)) and not isinstance(x, bool) return float(x) def from_str(x: Any) -> str: assert isinstance(x, str) return x def to_float(x: Any) -> float: assert isinstance(x, float) return x def to_enum(c: Type[EnumT], x: Any) -> EnumT: assert isinstance(x, c) return x.value def to_class(c: Type[T], x: Any) -> dict: assert isinstance(x, c) return cast(Any, x).to_dict() class Gender(Enum): FEMALE = "female" MALE = "male" OTHER = "other" class Author: age: float gender: Gender name: str preferred_name: str def __init__(self, age: float, gender: Gender, name: str, preferred_name: str) -> None: self.age = age self.gender = gender = name self.preferred_name = preferred_name @staticmethod def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'Author': assert isinstance(obj, dict) age = from_float(obj.get("age")) gender = Gender(obj.get("gender")) name = from_str(obj.get("name")) preferred_name = from_str(obj.get("preferredName")) return Author(age, gender, name, preferred_name) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} result["age"] = to_float(self.age) result["gender"] = to_enum(Gender, self.gender) result["name"] = from_str( result["preferredName"] = from_str(self.preferred_name) return result class Book: author: Author publisher: str title: str def __init__(self, author: Author, publisher: str, title: str) -> None: = author self.publisher = publisher self.title = title @staticmethod def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'Book': assert isinstance(obj, dict) author = Author.from_dict(obj.get("author")) publisher = from_str(obj.get("publisher")) title = from_str(obj.get("title")) return Book(author, publisher, title) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} result["author"] = to_class(Author, result["publisher"] = from_str(self.publisher) result["title"] = from_str(self.title) return result def book_from_dict(s: Any) -> Book: return Book.from_dict(s) def book_to_dict(x: Book) -> Any: return to_class(Book, x)

Hooray! We can cut a lot of fluff with these helpers.

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Image credit: Alessio Rinella

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Dennis O'Keeffe

Byron Bay, Australia

Dennis O'Keeffe

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