Spiral Matrices in JavaScript

Published: Mar 18, 2019

Last updated: Mar 18, 2019

This blog assumes a global install of mocha, although that can also be installed locally. chai is also required as the assertion library - install as a dev dependency.

Writing tests

Create sm.mocha.js.

const lib = require("./index"); const chai = require("chai"); const { expect } = chai; describe("spiral matrix", function () { it("should return correct for 2", function () { let target = [ [1, 2], [4, 3], ]; const res = lib.matrix(2); expect(res).to.deep.equal(target); }); it("should return correct for 3", function () { let target = [ [1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 4], [7, 6, 5], ]; const res = lib.matrix(3); expect(res).to.deep.equal(target); }); it("should return correct for 0", function () { let target = []; const res = lib.matrix(0); expect(res).to.deep.equal(target); }); });

Main js file

Create index.js:

/** * Build a 2D matrix based on size n and return * integers spiralling down from n*n * * @param {*} n Matrix size */ let matrix = (n) => { const mat = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { mat.push([]); } let count = 1; let startCol = 0; let endCol = n - 1; let startRow = 0; let endRow = n - 1; while (startRow <= endRow && startCol <= endCol) { // top row for (let i = startCol; i <= endCol; i++) { mat[startRow][i] = count; count++; } startRow++; // right col down for (let i = startRow; i <= endRow; i++) { mat[i][endCol] = count; count++; } endCol--; // bottow row rtl for (let i = endCol; i >= startCol; i--) { mat[endRow][i] = count; count++; } endRow--; // start col btt for (let i = endRow; i >= startRow; i--) { mat[i][startCol] = count; count++; } startCol++; } return mat; }; module.exports = { matrix, };


Change into directory and run mocha sm.mocha.js.

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Dennis O'Keeffe

Byron Bay, Australia

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Dennis O'Keeffe

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