Python Spiral Matrix
Published: Sep 11, 2018
Last updated: Sep 11, 2018
Test file
Create file
import unittest import spiral_matrix class GeneralMatrixTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_matrices(self): asserts = [ { "input": 3, "expected": [[1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 4], [7, 6, 5]] } ] for test in asserts: res = spiral_matrix.create(test["input"]) self.assertEqual(res, test["expected"]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
Spiral Matrix
Create file
def create(dim): """ Create a matrix of size n. dim: integer defining n x n matrix. """ mat = [] i = 0 j = 0 while i < dim: mat.append([]) while j < dim: j = j + 1 mat[i].append(0) i = i + 1 j = 0 count = 1 startCol = 0 endCol = dim - 1 startRow = 0 endRow = dim - 1 while startCol <= endCol and startRow <= endRow: # startRow i = startCol while i <= endCol: mat[startRow][i] = count count = count + 1 i = i + 1 startRow = startRow + 1 # endCol i = startRow while i <= endRow: mat[i][endCol] = count count = count + 1 i = i + 1 endCol = endCol - 1 # endRow i = endCol while i >= startCol: mat[endRow][i] = count count = count + 1 i = i - 1 endRow = endRow - 1 # startCol i = endRow while i >= startRow: mat[i][startCol] = count count = count + 1 i = i - 1 startCol = startCol + 1 return mat
Running tests
Change into directory and run python3 -m pytest -v
Python Spiral Matrix