JavaScript FizzBuzz
Published: Jul 4, 2018
Last updated: Jul 4, 2018
This blog assumes a global install of mocha
, although that can also be installed locally. chai
is also required as the assertion library - install as a dev dependency.
Writing tests
Create fizzbuzz.mocha.js
const lib = require("./index"); const chai = require("chai"); const { expect } = chai; describe("check basic function", function () { it("should return when not part of fizz buzz", function () { const res =; expect(res).to.equal(2); }); it("should return fizz", function () { const res =; expect(res).to.equal("Fizz"); }); it("should return buzz", function () { const res =; expect(res).to.equal("Buzz"); }); it("should return fizzbuzz", function () { const res =; expect(res).to.equal("FizzBuzz"); }); });
Main js file
Create index.js
const run = (arg) => { switch (true) { case arg % 15 === 0: return "FizzBuzz"; case arg % 3 === 0: return "Fizz"; case arg % 5 === 0: return "Buzz"; default: return arg; } }; module.exports = { run, };
Change into directory and run mocha fizzbuzz.mocha.js
JavaScript FizzBuzz