Hello, Blog!

Published: Jul 2, 2018

Last updated: Jul 2, 2018

In the coming months I'll be working hard to bring you content in a few different series.

There will be 5 main series that I will be aiming to write for:

  1. Build
  2. Hello
  3. Depth
  4. Pensive
  5. Imposter

1. Build Series

The "build" series will be general retrospectives on projects, apps and builds that I work on.

For larger projects, these will be short recounts on some of the challenges faced during the build and lessons learned, while for smaller projects this could be as short as a blog post based on the project itself.

2. Hello Series

The "hello" series will be short applications of useful ideas that aims to help expand your toolset and may help spark creative solutions to problems.

3. Depth Series

The "depth" series will be large posts on start-to-finish ideas and tools to use in projects.

4. Pensive Series

The "pensive" series will be a collage of keys ideas and reflections from the books and posts, and an insight into the paradigm and principles that are helping me guide my decisions.

5. Imposter Series

The "imposter" series will be recounts of experiences outside of my domain. With a look to start launching a few side projects and businesses, this will hopefully give some insight into harsh lessons or wins along the journey.

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Dennis O'Keeffe

Byron Bay, Australia

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Dennis O'Keeffe

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